Director Edgar Wright Leaves Marvel’s “Ant-Man”


Edward Wright, the brilliant mind behind “Shaun of the Dead” and my personal favorite, “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” has decided to leave Marvel studios over “creative differences”. Here’s the direct statement from Marvel:

Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on ANT-MAN due to differences in their vision of the film. The decision to move on is amicable and does not impact the release date on July 17, 2015. A new director will be announced shortly.

The nature of these “creative differences” weren’t actually stated. It’s kind of upsetting that such a great director felt the need to leave a movie so far into production because of “creative differences”. Marvel was probably strong-arming him to change it because of all the new events in the Marvel Universe. What do you guys think? Tell us down in the comments below!