“How To Train Your Dragon” Series Coming To Netflix


That’s right, you read correctly! Netflix has signed a deal with Dreamworks to announce that the spinoff series to “How To Train Your Dragon” called “Dragons” is moving from Cartoon Network to Netflix.

According to Netflix and Dreamworks, the new episodes will bridge the gap between the two movies. It’ll be released in 2015.

In the press release, Netflix stated

“The television series works in tandem with the feature films and DVD specials, allowing fans to delve deeper into dragon lore. From the origin of Hiccup’’s new flight suit and the secrets of his dragon blade to the young Viking’s budding romance with Astrid, DreamWorks Dragons on Netflix gives viewers rich details of the larger narrative with the introduction of new dragons, exotic places and worlds unknown.”

Another nail in the coffin for cable TV if you ask me. Shows are now starting to move from network stations onto Netflix and Hulu. This should be another huge red flag to network TV to get them to start actually giving us our money’s worth and getting up with the times. What do you guys think? Tell us down in the comments below.