Objectivity in Anime: A Five Day Discussion


With the advent of Yuri!! on Ice securing Crunchyroll’s Anime of the Year award, among half of all total awards available the want to hear an objective opinion on anime has increased tenfold. Of course, there’s no true objective opinion on anything as objectivity is based in truth and no one can say that your opinion is without merit.

Over the course of the next five days I’ll be tackling ideas that plague the anime community and all stem back to objectivity. Whether you’re a casual lover of Sword Art Online or someone who enjoys the obscure, artsy nature of shows like Ping Pong and Kaiba there’s something for everyone to take away from this videos.

We’ll begin by talking about popularity, expand into quality and then tackle the ideas of objectivity, subjectivity and favoritism all of which are ideas that go into what make a review and shape your own opinion on a piece of media that you consume.

While this focuses primarily on anime content, that isn’t to say this can’t be equated to any other situation – even if you aren’t an anime fan you should check this series out to gain an understanding of why looking for objectivity in the wrong places just harms the community you are involved in.

In order of release, each episode of this series is linked below:

Things Are Popular For a Reason

Popularity Doesn’t Determine Success

There Is No Objectivity

Subjectivity and Favoritism

The 100% Objective Sword Art Online Review

objectivity in anime
Sword Art Online is regarded as one of the most “objectively” bad anime in recent years. However it still holds strong as its new sequel movie, Ordinal Scale premieres this March.