Square-Enix Reveals “Final Fantasy 15” Release Date


Great news! Square-Enix has announced that the new entry in the FF series, “Final Fantasy XV”, will be released March 2015.

When asked about more info on FFXV, Corporate Executive Shinji Hashimoto stated:

“We would like to keep it secret. It just only a few months from now. I’m pretty sure you will be surprised.

Actually it is not only in June, there will be many events from now on such as San Diego Comicon, Tokyo Game Show, and others.

We might tell you what is our plans, but it’s better you see by yourself at Tokyo.”

You can check out the gameplay trailer here:


I’m loving this new real-time combat system. We’ve waited so long for a Final Fantasy game that was not entirely turn-based. “Final Fantasy XII” and “Final Fantasy XIII” both had pseudo-real-time combat, but that definitely wasn’t enough. XV looks absolutely amazing! What do you guys think? Tell us down in the comments below?

Source: (EpicStream)