I Heard It Through the Grape Vine: Mateusz M


Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s “I Heard It Through the Grape Vine!” This is a short segment where I, Thomas, will show you a video that I have found from across the web. Enjoy!

This week’s video is one I happened upon when I wasn’t doing so good. Everyone has ups and downs in their life and sometimes it just gets hard to deal with everything that gets thrown at you, no matter who you are. But you can’t just sit there and take it all the time. You have to think about what you want, get up off your feet and reach for it. No matter how often you’re knocked down, you have to want it, otherwise you’ll never get back up. This video is done by the YouTuber “Mateusz M” who has a decent following and many more videos similar to the one I have here. If you need a pick me up or a bit of motivation on a rainy day, then this is for you. Enjoy! Don’t forget to check back next week for the next “I Heard It Through the Grape Vine!”

[youtube youtubeurl=”mgmVOuLgFB0″ ]